
Pointless things

Something I picked up there.

  • I usually wear custom made shoes. When I do not, I usually have a shoe half a size lager than the other one, because my feet are not of equal length, thanks to a funny horse and a rigid stirrup.
  • I do not like to look into people's eyes. Like a true psychopath, I look at their solar plexus when I feel I could be threatened, or somewhere over their head when I feel safe. I look into people's eyes when I am listening to them intently or about to do something drastic about them. 
  • I hate crowds. And I hate myself when I allow myself being crowded. I like open spaces though, so I guess I do not qualify as a full blown agoraphobiac. I tend to avoid crowded covered spaces. Say more than 10.000 square feet, but I manage to feel at ease if I have a wall behind my back.
  • I actually listen to Bach covers by, say, Saint Preux or such, to cringe at the disaster. 
  • People who do not truly know me say I am a composed and reserved kind of guy. People who really know me say I am talented and intransigeant. I have too many faces. I usually make a favourable first impression.
  • My nose is full of infectious crater holes.
  • I  love rarely and far too much for my own good.
  • I still believe that best and worst cases analysis are meaningful. I hate relativism and still believe in absolutes. 
  • I need symbolic stochastic analysis to go over some of my preconceptions.
  • I do not believe that I am holding many preconceptions, especially about myself ;-)

1 comment:

Archimago said...

People who REALLY REALLY know me don't say anything ;)