
Oracle lifestyle

Hooked on roll backs,
I dive without a sail.
I believe I can fly.

Let's talk about scope, baby.

Intent, motivation, scope... Don't we all love to hear those words, especially when pronounced this early?
Makes for a change ;-)

So, what will this be about? Well, the title says it all. This blog is about me, my life, and how I came to formulate quite an intricate theory of everything based on my extensive experience in a closed environment subterranean bunker. This is supposed to be a log cum diary, interspersed with irrelevant case points, cryptic comments and sweeping generalisations. In a word, this is supposed to be a mess, which is quite fitting given the subject at hand.

Now that we are clear about intent, let's tackle the motivation part.
Simply put: boredom. Do you really believe that sitting tight waiting for Armageddon to happen is that exciting? Now, I am quite sure that, if I really put myself to it, I could make things somewhat funnier. But you wouldn't want that. Especially you. And I am not the kind of guy who waits for a thermonuclear device to rock his casbah anyway.

So, the scope is for me to make a mess because I am bored. Oh so childish of me.