

I am an elephant.

I go places, shaking my tusks, trunk blaring and ears flaring: this is what mammoths do.
My footprints have graced many virgin slopes. Sometimes, thanks to my elephantine memory, I even knew that what I was doing was new and that I had found some unspoiled playground: this is how mammoths are.
I even bragged about it first, so for others not to infringe on my hot bragging rights: this is why other mammoths are woolly and I not. This why they are extinct, and I not.

Because I have beaten the less travelled path, I am here to bring this testimony: be unafraid of sea monsters. You have already ground your tusks on what you know, so what may scratch your itch is still unknown. The chart is not the territory, so go far, deep, and fast if you can, bring novelty to the world, and shake your tusks, keep your trunk high and your ears flared ;-)

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